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Driver Travels with BMW for free

Photo by Logan Brown

Logan Brown is a traveller and photographer who published his work on He was lucky enough to relocate a stylish BMW Z4 thanks to Transfercar. Read his story below:

''I noticed a new listing for a sports car on Transfercar going my direction. Without hesitation I eagerly applied for the car and within hours I had an automated message informing me I had a confirmed BMW Z4 waiting for me to pickup the very next day! This particular car required that I deliver it within 3 days at the Queenstown airport and gave me contact info for the rental company.

All I had to do was register for the car through the TransferCar website, give information with how to contact me and a credit card in case of an accident or other incidentals and then show up at the preselected pickup location. My particular rental did not include the cost of fuel, but several I found did! I would recommend calling the rental company to confirm all details and that the pickup and dropoff locations are clear. Once you pick up the car, you are bound to deliver it by the agreed upon date and the rest is up to you.

I thoroughly enjoyed zipping along the curvy New Zealand roads with the top down. It was a hell of a way to start my affordable trip around the world and I turned quite a few heads pulling into hostel parking lots!''