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Traveling Foodie scores trip of a lifetime along route 66 for $1 per day

Rachel Davey from ''I’ve literally just finished an incredible cross country trip from the state of Indiana, all the way across the US to California, in a brand new 22 ft long, 5 bed motorhome for next to nothing.  Seriously.

There is no catch. Our drive across USA for a dollar per day deal was incredible! We hired a brand new motorhome to relocate from Indiana to Los Angeles in 15 days, for only US$14.99, or $1 per day. This included 3000 miles (a lot of km’s) and $300 fuel allowance too. Any extra miles over 3000 were charged at 0.32c per mile. We were allowed to take an extra 15 days if we chose, which would be at a rate of US $60 per day, which included an additional 150 miles per day.


It’s up to you if you decide to stay in campgrounds that are conveniently located all over this country, or you can try and keep the budget down and pull into rest-stops or Wal-Mart parking areas.''

Read the full, authentic and genuine testimonial here: