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Category Archives: Transport

Transfercar featured in Road Trip article

We love it when journalists discover the wonderful world of Transfercar and this week Richard Meadows How to score a cheap road trip from Fairfax New Zealand wrote about How to Score A Cheap Road Trip. Back in August, surveyor Taryn Martin and a couple of mates took off in a hired van for a wee road trip around the West Coast. They jumped out of planes in Queenstown, hiked up Fox Glacier, and toasted marshmallows at the Cardrona Pub. “It was wicked,” says Martin. How much did Jucy charge the band...Read More

How can I get across the Cook Strait by Ferry this summer?

As many already know, one of The Interislander’s largest passenger ferries, The Aratere, is expected to be out of service for at least 6 months after losing one of its propellers last month. This has, and will likely have a reasonably large impact on how vacationers in New Zealand manage to travel between the north and south islands this summer. Especially when renting a vehicle with no prior booking secured. At this stage existing Interislander passenger and vehicle bookings will be honored, with many...Read More

Road side emergency!

You have been on the road in your RV many times during the years. Luckily, things have always gone right and no major emergency has ensued. But what if you were to get caught in a sudden emergency situation, such as a fire and had to abandon the RV immediately? Are you prepared for such an eventuality? Do you have a few basic items necessary for survival ready at your hands? You should consider a survival ditch bag, just in case. Read the rest of this story at...Read More

To and from Hobart, Australia on the Spirit of Tasmania: Ferry times, booking and prices

Transfercar have a number of Australian companies needing their vehicles relocated across the Bass Strait between Hobart, Melbourne and then further on to other cities such as Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane. As we often get questions as to prices and ferry times etc, we thought it would be a good subject to write...Read More

Crossing the Cook Strait, New Zealand by ferry: Travel times, booking, prices & other interesting information

Travelling between the North and South Islands of New Zealand means crossing the Cook Strait. The only way to do this with a vehicle is by taking a ferry with either the Interislander or Bluebridge which both arrive and depart from Picton and Wellington. The Cook Strait crossing (Raukawa Moana in Māori) is the connection between the Tasman Sea on the West, the South Pacific Ocean on the East and the North and South Islands of Aotearoa. Considered one of New Zealand’s most iconic tourist experiences,...Read More

AAA picks 10 best new vehicle technologies, thinks green

Green Auto Blog….. It’s no secret that automobiles get more technologically advanced every passing year. A good deal of these vehicular innovations have a lot to do with saving gas, reducing emissions, and, more recently, teaching the driver to pilot the vehicle in a more efficient manner. If you feel like you need help in choosing which bits of techno-geekery are the best, AAA has just created a list specifically for you. Included in AAA’s top 10 tech picks are solar roof panels and...Read More